Visit of President Tolbert to Intofawar Farmers Cooperative

On September 24, 1971 the Intofawar Farmers Cooperative and the Foya Rice Scheme were visited by the President of Liberia, President Tolbert.

Official opening of Intofawar Cooperative Buildings.
The Secretary of Agriculture Mr. James Philips officially opened the Intofawar Cooperative office building and stores on 12 January 1974. At that time the Intofawar Cooperative already had 850 farmer members with paid up subscriptions. Turnover for the financial year 1973  amounted to US$ 658,000, or an average of US$ 750 per participating member, mainly from sales of palm kernel, and coffee- and cocoa beans. After a few years it was reported that rough rice had become the major commodity of the Intofawar Cooperative.


Slideshow Visit
President Tolbert


The rural economy
Lofa County 1970's
A pictorial story


Charles van Santen
December 2005
