Last Employer :
(retired 2011) |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
The Netherlands |

Position: |
Evaluator, Inspector |
Education: |
Economics, Ph.D (1983) |
Specialization: |
Economics of African countries
Regional specialization: |
West Africa, notably Liberia,
Sahel |
Experience abroad: |
years residence in West Africa
2 years residence in the USA
1 year residence in Bolivia
Evaluation work: |
* |
'Debt relief
- and then? Evaluation of the Debt Relief granted to the
Democratic Republic of Congo 2003-2010' (bilateral
evaluation, IOB, 2012 - in French and
Dutch only):
'Table rase - et après ? Évaluation de l'allègement de
la dette en République démocratique du Congo, 2003-2010'
(IOB, 2012).
'Schoon schip. En dan? Evaluatie van de
schuldverlichting aan de Democratische Republiek Congo,
(IOB, 2012).
* |
interests - mutual benefits. Evaluation of the 2005 debt
relief agreement between the Paris Club and Nigeria' (bilateral
evaluation, IOB, 2011).
* |
of the Netherlands' 'Africa Policy' 1998 -2006, (bilateral
evaluation; IOB, 2008).
* |
Evaluation of the Netherlands Research Policy 1992 -
2005: Experiences with a new approach in six
countries: Bolivia, Ghana, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania
and Vietnam (bilateral evaluation; IOB, 2007).
* |
Evaluation of General Budget Support (joint
evaluation; 2006, member of Steering and Management
* |
Evaluation of the Cofinancing between the Netherlands and the World Bank 1975-1996 (bilateral evaluation;
IOB, 1999).
Key Sheet
Long Abstract
Research interests: |
* |
Black people
in Western art |
* |
Black people
in the Netherlands (16th c) |
* |
Black people in Dutch language children's literature 20th c |
* |
participation in the trans-Atlantic slave trade |
* |
traders, investors and missionaries in Africa |
* |
The region
of origin
of the lions Kampen received from Portuguese traders in
1477 /
De herkomst van de leeuwen die Kampen in 1477 van
Portugese kooplui kreeg |
* |
Political and Economic History of Liberia |
* |
Sahel: Nexus Environment - Population - Stability |
Fred van der Kraaij (1946) was born in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. He obtained a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Tilburg (with honors, 1983). His dissertation on the role of foreign investments in the development of Liberia 1900-1977 was published as “The Open Door Policy of Liberia – An Economic History of Modern Liberia” (Bremen, 1983). He wrote extensively on West Africa where he lived for over 16 years.
He maintains a website on
Africa's oldest republic,
'Liberia Past and Present',
plus a blog,
Perspectives', commenting on events in Liberia and Liberia
related events, and has a twitter account:
@liberiapp - presenting and discussing the latest Liberian
Another twitter account focuses on African affairs in general
and the Sahel in particular:
@FredVDKraaij . His interest in the image of black people in
Dutch language children's literature, notably comic strips,
resulted in the twitter account
@FouteStrips, with a central theme: racism in comic strips
and cartoons.
Scientific and other publications
Country Experience
Publications on Liberia
Past and Present
Liberian Perspectives
Twitter: @liberiapp
@FredVDKraaij @FouteStrips
Experience |
Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of South Africa,
Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Togo, Tunisia;
Asia: Pakistan;
North America: U.S.A.;
South America: Argentine, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay;
- Personal data: Name: VAN DER KRAAIJ, Fred;
born in Den Bosch, the Netherlands, on 26 July, 1946.
- Professional data (1970 - present):
Specialized in political, social and economic development in Africa
after a brief specialization on Latin American affairs - 1968-1975 -
starting with a research in Bolivia (1968/69).
A six-month working visit to four Sahelian countries - Senegal,
Mali, Upper-Volta (in 1984 rebaptized Burkina Faso) and Niger in
1972, preceeded a much longer stay in West Africa: (in chronological
order) Liberia, Upper-Volta/Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal (1975-1991).
Working experience also included Cape Verde islands, Gambia, Guinea
Bissau and Mauritanie during my assignment at the Royal Netherlands
Embassy in Dakar/Senegal, 1987-1991.
In 1983 I obtained a doctorate (Ph.D.), with distinction, in development economics, on the Open Door Policy and Economic History of Liberia.
Between 1991 and 1999 I worked in the Netherlands at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA, Policy Preparation Section, 1991-1995, and the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department,
IOB, 1995-1999). My work brought me to various countries in North, Eastern and West Africa.
Also, during 1992-1998, I taught 'Industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa' at the University of Twente,
the Netherlands.
From 1999 till 2001 I was employed by the World Bank, Washington DC, USA, working for the Global Coalition for Africa
(GCA) with assignments in West and Southern Africa.
From 2001 till July 2011 I was again employed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs where I was chief economist for the Africa region before rejoining the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department in 2003.
I published on Africa in general and some countries in Sub-Sahara Africa in particular (see below).
After a working career of 41 years, I retired as of July 1, 2011.
- Fields of interest: African history; African art; economics of Africa; politics, democratization, and human rights in Africa;
aid/development cooperation;
- Working visits and experience (1970-2011-present):
- Professional experience: study and research (Burkina
Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal); university teaching and research (Liberia); planning and evaluation of rural development projects (Burkina Faso); technical assistance (Mali); advisor Royal Netherlands Embassy
(Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania,
Senegal); consultant (Ethiopia); evaluator (Bolivia, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda); international conferences and policy dialogue (Ghana, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria,
Rwanda, Senegal, USA);
- Working relations with World Bank (1980-84; 1995-99; 1999-2001);
European Commission (1985-87); Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1987-99; 2001-2011);
- Publications, evaluation work, papers presented, book reviews and other reports:
- Africa (general; debt relief, economic reforms, human rights, higher education, urbanization);
- West Africa (regional cooperation);
- Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda (political development, foreign investments, economic reforms,
debt relief, rural and urban development; regional cooperation);
- Website “Liberia – Past and Present of Africa’s Oldest Republic”
(since 2001);
- Blog "Liberian Perspectives -
Comments on Events in Liberia and Liberia Related Events"
(since 2007);
- Most recent publication:
'Liberia: From The Love of Liberty to Paradise Lost' (ASC
Leiden, 2015).
- Research areas:
- Black people in Western art
- Black people in the Netherlands
in the 16th century
- Black people in Dutch
children's literature (20th c.)
- Dutch role in trans-Atlantic
slave trade
- Dutch expansion overseas
- Political and Economic History of Liberia
- Sahel: nexus Environment -
Population - Stability
- Trade relations between
Portugal and the Hanseatic city of Kampen in the 15th c.
- Languages: Dutch, English, French
German & Spanish (read only)
- Twitter accounts:
@liberiapp &
@FredVDKraaij & @FouteStrips